Areas of Expertise
  • Master plan
  • Exterior and Interior Design
  • Bachelor of Architecture (AUST).

Ar. Razib engages with clients who share in the reward of accomplishing bold visions to enrich their daily lives, who prioritise quality over quantity, and who place value in achieving inventive and well-crafted spaces that are meticulously detailed and finished.

Ar. Razib has extensive experience of more than 10 years in the design and procurement of projects across varied scales and types, and has garnered a reputation for delivering design excellence for projects on often complex sites. He provides highly personalized architectural services to clients and is involved in all stages of each project – underscored by solid working relationships with consultants and builders.

contact details

+88 01711711274
House-268, 5th Floor, Road-19, New DOHS, Mohakhali, Dhaka-1206, Bangladesh.

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